Founded in 1920, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History is considered one of the country’s finest museums dedicated to the natural sciences. Every day, we seek to carry out our mission to inspire, through science and education, a passion for nature, the protection of natural diversity, the fostering of health, and leadership to a sustainable future. Through exhibits, internationally recognized research, collections containing more than 5 million objects and specimens, and award-winning educational programs, the Museum engages people of all ages in cultivating a connection with the natural world.

For the past century, the Museum has enriched Northeast Ohio by serving as a community gathering place, a center for lifelong learning, and a research institution. Our scientists lead groundbreaking fieldwork around the globe, conducting studies across diverse disciplines and publishing dozens of papers in peer-reviewed journals each year. The Museum is also a longtime trailblazer in the region’s conservation and sustainability efforts. To continue this 100-year legacy of learning, research, and advocacy for a more sustainable world, we created the Legacy Society—a group of individuals who have chosen to support the Museum by making a commitment to the institution in their will or estate plans.

Legacy Society Membership Benefits

  • Acknowledgement in the annual Honor Roll of Donors
  • A subscription to Explore Magazine for donors and members
  • Invitations to exclusive events throughout the year, including the annual Legacy Society recognition program

For more information about legacy giving, please contact Diane M. Strachan, CFRE, at 216.231.2060 or

Free Estate Planning Tool

Join fellow the Museum supporters on Giving Docs, a safe, secure, and free-for-life suite of estate plan essentials. If you choose to include the Museum in your estate plans, you'll be eligible for legacy society benefits!

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